Mariana: Primarily Responsible for asking questions
Kathryn: In charge of camera recording
Julia: Asking questions, but mostly taking notes
Is there anything you would like to focus on this time today? - get it on film
Could you tell us a little bit about your daily life here in Rhode Island.
What do you like most about living here?
Are you currently living in Providence, or in a suburb outside of the city?
How did you adapt to living in the United States?
Were you born in Liberia or in another country? (if she was born somewhere else, what country and how long did you live there?)
When did you travel to the United States? When you first arrived in the United States, where did you live?
Did you travel to the United States with anyone?
Do you have family living in the US?
What was your daily life like in Liberia?
What were some of your experiences in Liberia?
What is your favorite memory from your life? (In Rhode Island or elsewhere)
What was the most important and meaningful event or experience in their life?
If the opportunity presented itself, would you go back to Liberia? (maybe ask this, depends on her mood and tone) - don’t end on that question
What are you looking forward to in the future?
What accomplishments in your life are you most proud of?